To keep our democratic Constitution fresh and vital, we must celebrate its successes and learn from its weaknesses. We welcome your help and participation.

Start by clicking here to learn about the challenges we all face adapting our constitution to a more complex world, and how we can renew the promise of the Constitution .
To keep our democracy safe for future generations, the time is ripe to debate a second Bill of Rights:
- The wording of the Constitution leaves room for widely varying interpretations clouded by arcane legal debates and pointless speculation. Instead of guessing at their original meaning, why not settle the issue with a modern, clean expression of intent that is responsive to the times?
- The ratification process is slow and cumbersome. Instead of fearing amendments, why not treat their proposal and ratification as part of an efficient, and regular, duty of maintaining a well-oiled Constitution?
- Direct citizen initiatives have brought much needed reform and fairness at the State level. How can we use the Amendment process to over-rule legislators who put their party and self-interest above the Constitution?
We Amend is a non-partisan, small “d” democratic forum to help rank potential amendments, crowd source their wording, and then raising money to directly lobby for their passage. Out goal is to bring 8-10 amendments to a vote within a decade. Spanning the range from civic and political rights, to individual freedoms, to patching important gaps in the Constitution.